
Aligned with your treatment plan.

Mantel Orthodontics uses a variety of appliances in our treatments to correct and improve the alignment of teeth. This list presents some of the more frequently used examples, but is not all-inclusive. Every treatment plan is individualized, and we’ll discuss with you the specific appliances we’re recommending as well as how they’ll be utilized.

Phase I/ Early Treatment Appliances

As long as you are careful, you can continue to enjoy most of your favorite foods. We often say, “If it’s healthy, you can probably eat it!” However, there are some that may damage appliances or put you at a higher risk of cavities. If you have any questions about what is best to avoid, please ask us.


A fixed palatal expander is used to widen the upper jaw. It is most effective prior to the closure of the maxillary suture. For most patients, this is between age 6-12.  This appliance is attached to cemented bands on the back teeth. It is turned once a day for a prescribed length of time. Each turn is 1/4 mm and should produce slight pressure, but no pain.

MARA Appliance

A Mandibular Anterior Repositioning Appliance, MARA is used to correct an overbite. It is an alternative to cervical pull headgear. This is most effective prior to the patient losing all of their baby teeth and prior to the start of puberty. For many patients, this is between the ages of 8-12. It allows the lower jaw to be positioned further forward, moves the upper teeth back and the lower teeth forward. It is fixed in place by four bands, one on each of the first molars. MARA stays in place for approximately twelve months.

Lower Lingual Holding Arch

This appliance prevents lower crowding from worsening and can aid in moderate amounts of space creation if placed prior to the loss of the baby molars. A small wire that runs along the tongue side of the lower teeth is used to maintain arch length during times of transition.

Distal Jet Appliance

An appliance used to move one or both of the upper first molars back to create space for the remaining upper permanent teeth. It is fixed by four bands and a plastic button that rests on the roof of the mouth.

Thumb Crib

A thumb crib is used to break a thumb sucking habit. Ideally, this is placed around age 5-7, prior to the permanent front teeth erupting. Correction of a thumb sucking habit prevents a narrow upper jaw (crossbite), overbite, protrusive front teeth and occasionally speech issues. A thumb crib can be fixed or removable and places a metal mesh crib in the area the thumb rests. It removes the pleasure sensation of the thumb touching the roof of the mouth and helps the patient break free of the habit.

Protraction Headgear

Protraction headgear is the ideal appliance to aid in underbite correction. It helps move the upper jaw forward. It is most effective between the ages of 5-10, as this is when the maxillary sutures are open. It is connected with rubber bands to hooks on the patient’s expander. It is worn 12-14 hours per night for approximately one year.

Bite Plate

For severe overbites (deep overlapping of the bottom teeth), a retainer with excess anterior acrylic helps prevent excessive damage to the lower incisors and upper palate. This can be worn full or part time.


A removable retainer with a wire crossing the anterior teeth and a custom acrylic palate. Patients can choose a variety of color options for the acrylic palate from the list here.

Appliances for Patients of all Ages

3M Clarity Flash-Free Brackets

A small, low profile, non-staining ceramic bracket is a great option for patients of all ages. New technology allows this bracket to be placed quickly and without adhesive squeezing out the edges (aka “flash”). 

3M Low Profile Flash-Free Metal Braces

A small, low profile, metal bracket is a great option for children who enjoy the look of traditional braces.  New technology allows this bracket to be placed quickly and without adhesive squeezing out the edges (aka “flash”).

Mantel Clear Aligners

A series of clear trays, each tray worn for 7-14 days, gently guide teeth to the position prescribed. Ideal for our adult or older teen patients who would like an alternative to brackets and wires.

Class II Elastics

Rubber band elastics (from upper to lower braces) are used to help move the lower teeth forward and the upper teeth back.

Class III Elastics

Rubber band elastics (from upper to lower braces) are used to help move the lower teeth backward and the upper teeth forward.

If you have missing or undersized teeth, there are many options available to you. You can opt to widen, reshape, close space or open it for an ideally-shaped implant.

Small Teeth:  Patients with naturally small front teeth can benefit from a combination of orthodontic treatment and esthetic dentistry procedures. With the aid of open coils, the upper incisors can be centered with space on both sides to allow your dentist to widen these teeth after braces removal with veneers or composite restorations.

Temporary Anchorage Devices (TADs) for space closure

Temporary anchorage devices are small, titanium posts that an oral surgeon can place into the jaw to aid in closing large amounts of space from missing teeth. They are removed when those movements are completed.

Canine substitution for one missing lateral incisor

The upper canine can be moved forward to replace the missing lateral incisor. The canine can be reshaped on all sides to appear more like a lateral incisor. The tooth may require whitening and/or a composite or porcelain restoration when treatment is complete to appear more natural. This additional procedure is completed by your general dentist.

Open space for implant(s)

Space can be opened in the area of the missing tooth for an implant to be placed.